Codeigniter Login And Registration With Session Code Free Download

Free Download SiteGuard – CodeIgniter Advanced PHP Login & User Management Script (Nulled) Latest Version SiteGuard – Codeigniter PHP Login & User Management System – the simplest, most powerful authentication tool for your website (CodeIgniter 4 Version). Codeigniter user login, register &logout system. We would love to share with you how to create register, login and logout system in codeigniter. You will learn in this tutorial how to authenticate users by it’s credential. In this codeiniter user login and registration system, we will create two forms to show a login and registration. We provide best projects on Codeigniter PHP for Engineering Students. There are lot of latest Innovative idea for your new project. In this page many simple Codeigniter PHP projects for beginners with source code at free of cost download. Many students are interested in building these applications for their academic. About Codeigniter PHP. A user login, logout, register start for Codeigniter 3. Codeigniter has not evolved as fast as modern php and php best practices. It has become a very old framework, and I advise against using it, even for beginners. Try something like Laravel or Symfony.

In this post, i am going to teach you how you can create a login and registration system in Codeigniter Framework. I am also going to attach the entire code so you can download and run it in your local system and check it immediately.

So, first of all, you need to download the Codeigniter framework and configure it in your local system.

The version I am using in this tutorial is Codeigniter 3.1.6
Download it from

After you download unzip the code into your xampp or wampp and rename the folder to Codeigniter and then do the below configurations first.

Open and edit /codeigniter/application/config/config.php


Codeigniter Login And Registration With Session Code Free Download Free

update your database settings in /codeigniter/application/config/database.php

Now open phpmyadmin / mysql, and create a new database called ‘Codeigniter’ and execute the below queries:

This will create a new table in your database called ‘users’.

The basic configuration is done now.

Let’s go to the coding part:

Assuming you already know that Codeigniter is an MVC framework.

First, we are going to create two models, one for login and the second one for registration.

Create files with the below names and paste the code respectively. (Read the inline comments to understand).


Path: /codeigniter/application/models

1) LoginModel.php

2) RegisterModel.php



Let’s create some view pages for our requirement. We need two pages login and registration. Also we are going to use bootstrap css for styling our pages. So first create a common header and footer all our pages.

* Create the below pages with the respective names and paste the code in it.

Path: /codeigniter/application/views

1) header.php:

2) footer.php:

Now the main pages:

3) login_page.php:

Just a usual form with two input fields. Same as above let’s create registration page as well.

4) register_page.php:

Finally, we edit the welcome_message.php:

We are done with views now. Let’s go and create the heroes ‘Controllers’.


Controllers are the main heroes going to control the workflow of our code.

Codeigniter Login And Registration With Session Code Free Download Windows 7

We need 3 controllers totally.

3.Welcome – (this file is already there in the Codeigniter package).

Path: /codeigniter/application/controllers

Codeigniter Login And Registration With Session Code Free Download Windows

1) Login.php

Login controller helps us to validate the user credentials and store the session data. Read the inline comments to understand the code.

Codeigniter Login And Registration With Session Code Free Download Windows 10

2) Register.php

Just read the comments in the above script to understand.

Now before we edit the Welcome.php controller. We are going to create a new controller called MY_Controller in a different folder path.

Path: /codeigniter/application/core


This file we created is to check whether the user is logged in or not, so we don’t have to do this check-in each and every one of our new controllers we are creating.

So lets’ edit the Welcome.php controller.


If you see the above code we have used MY_Controller instead of CI_Controller. So basically we don’t have to do the user login validation in our welcome controller or any other controller.

That’s it, people. Execute the code and see the result yourself.

You can see the demo and also get the files from the download link.